Going Live with Apple Pay Using Our v.zero SDK

Last month, we announced that Braintree would support Apple Pay from day one. Well, today we are pleased to confirm that Braintree is working with a number of key merchants for the launch of Apple Pay. Braintree’s v.zero SDK gives merchants the ability to easily add Apple Pay to their apps and allows for the control and flexibility they need to provide the best payment experiences for their customers - whether it’s credit cards, debit cards, wallets like PayPal and Apple Pay and even bitcoin (coming soon).

Having integrated with the v.zero SDK, Braintree merchants including HotelTonight and Houzz will be accepting Apple Pay on launch. Many other Braintree merchants, including Airbnb, EventbriteStubHub, JackThreads, Jane.com and Levi's® Stadium App by VenueNext will  be accepting Apple Pay in the coming weeks and months.

At Braintree, we’ve been building for a mobile commerce future for years and we couldn’t be more excited to be working with Apple Pay. Our premise has long been that mobile would be a primary computing device and people would conduct most of their purchases there if only the right buying experience was available. Our v.zero SDK laid the foundation for merchants to easily support mobile wallets as we believed that would be a key enabler of ecommerce moving to mobile commerce. Now, Apple Pay and other payment innovations like Venmo will remove the friction from the mobile buying experience and give more consumers access to and awareness of the benefits of mobile shopping and buying -- including great convenience, ease of use, and security.

Braintree is here to help you support Apple Pay in addition to other payment experiences like One Touch for PayPal and Venmo and anything else you need for your business to thrive on mobile and on the web. For more information, please visit our Apple Pay landing page and check out the docs to see how our v.zero SDK will support Apple Pay. As always, you can also email sales@braintreepayments.com or call us at 877.511.5036 with any questions.