Supporting New Mastercard 2-series BINs

What's new

Mastercard is introducing a new 2-series to their Bank Identification Numbers (BINs). A BIN refers to the first 6 digits of a credit card number and can be used to identify the card issuing institution. Up until now, Mastercard BINs have only been in the 5-series range, which begin with a 5.

The 2-series BINs may be issued in early 2017 and will range from 222100 to 272099. The new BIN range is subject to the same rules as the existing Mastercard 5-series BIN range.

How you should prepare

Braintree is ready for the new Mastercard 2-series BINs. The good news is that, as a merchant, you will not see any change to your day-to-day processing. If you want to test the new 2-series BINs in the sandbox environment, please refer to these Mastercard test card numbers.

Please note: If you have implemented any specific logic on your client-side integration to recognize credit card types, it may require an update.

We always aim to simplify the payment processing experience for our merchants. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Support team.