Manage Disputes via the API

While chargebacks are a standard part of online payments, Braintree understands the impact they can have on a business’s bottom line. That’s why we strive to create best-in-class tools to help merchants more easily dispute chargebacks and win back funds. We’re excited to announce that merchants who currently access disputes within the Braintree Control Panel* can now manage them via the API.

The same great dispute functionality merchants are familiar with in the Control Panel can also be accessed through the API: merchants can submit evidence to defend a dispute, search for disputes, check a dispute’s status, and accept disputes. Additionally, the API now gives merchants access to real-time dispute information via Braintree’s SDK, providing even more knowledge about and control over each step of the chargeback process.

Accepting and contesting disputes via the API gives merchants the ability to automate part or all of the dispute management workflow, helping to improve outcomes and reduce the operational resources required for high-volume merchants to manage chargebacks. Webhooks are also available to notify merchants as each new dispute is opened, and then if they are won or lost.

In order to manage disputes through the API, merchants must be on the latest Braintree SDK. To learn more about how to accept and contest disputes via the API, check out our developer docs.

*A merchant’s account setup determines how chargebacks are managed. If you’re unsure about how your business currently handles chargebacks, contact our Accounts team.