Happy Day After Earth Day!

We've released a new version of the Braintree client libraries today and we wanted to give you a brief update on the changes we've made. Please note that the older versions of the client libraries will still be supported. However we do recommend you upgrade.

We've changed the behavior of a couple methods in a backwards incompatible way, so please review these release notes before upgrading

Redefined transaction success

We received several questions about how to determine if a new transaction was actually authorized. We've updated the client libraries to make this more clear by changing the behavior of the result object that is returned from creating a transaction. Now, the success method will return false if the transaction is declined or gateway rejected. However, there won't be any validation errors like there usually are when success returns false. Instead, the error result contains the declined or rejected transaction for further inspection.

Updated Workflow Examples: Ruby | Python | PHP | Java | .NET

Pagination changes

Previously, when traversing a paginated collection it was necessary to explicitly request new pages as needed. We've simplified this in the latest release by transparently handling paging while the collection is traversed.

Examples: Ruby | Python | PHP | Java | .NET

Hope the new release is helpful!


The Braintree Dev Team