Happy 3rd Birthday Braintree!

When we think of working as entrepreneurs, we imagine surfing.

Some surfers go to the local beach and grab the first wave that presents itself, some pick and choose among the waves, and others search for beaches that have the largest waves and best conditions to do their surfing.

Sometimes the unsuspecting surfer at the local beach serendipitously finds that they've caught one of the largest waves in the world, though it doesn't happen often. Sometimes surfers ride whatever wave they choose in such a compelling way that their style and approach becomes the subject, not the wave. Sometimes surfers who endlessly search for and find the largest waves and best conditions crash spectacularly, and sometimes they nail it.

Surfers get on their boards knowing the risk of failure. When they crash, they get right back up and do it all over again. That's how one becomes good at surfing, and that's the beauty.

Some of it is luck, some of it is timing, some of it is skill, some of it is scientific, but all of it is inspiring.

Braintree turns 3 today. We caught a wave that came our way that has proven better than we ever imagined. We've worked extremely hard, there is no question about that. But we've been lucky in so many ways, and we feel so fortunate.

To all our customers, thank you for trusting us. Thank you for saying so many nice things about us and referring us to your friends. Thank you for giving us the benefit of the doubt when we messed up. Thank you for helping make us what we have become today.

We love what we do and couldn't be more pleased with the time we've been surfing.