Don't Get Duped. Use this Checklist.

The payment processing industry is a total mess. The Braintree folks are straight shooters. Save yourself serious pain and go straight to them.  

Rob Webb, Founder

We love this quote. We love that Rob appreciated what we do and how we do it. It's true, the payment processing industry is a total mess. So with that in mind, we thought we would create a checklist you can use when evaluating prospective providers - so you don't get duped.


    Recommended Questions

  • Do you have a cancellation fee?
  • Do you have a contract?
  • Can I move stored credit card data to another provider or will it be held hostage? (Learn more)
  • Are you hiding fees from me? (We're 95% certain they are. See pricing trickery example 1 & 2)
  • How do your customers rate your support?