Braintree Hosts: Tanya Schlusser & “Gaps in O’Reilly’s Python Catalog”

The “Braintree Hosts” series showcases speakers we’ve hosted at Braintree. We’re starting with some oldies, but we’ll be posting increasingly recent videos as time goes on.

Last December, Braintree hosted one of the many events we’re involved with in the Chicago tech community -- ChiPy. The Chicago Python User Group has been around since 2003 and has speakers on various Python-related topics every month. In December, one of those speakers was Tanya Schlusser.

Tanya is a former mechanical engineer who now does Python and Data Science. She had the idea of writing a book to raise money for ChiPy, but what to write about? Tanya analyzes the O’Reilly Python catalog in order to help us pick a niche that hasn’t been filled, so the ChiPy membership can go out for beer after the meeting without having to split the check.