Braintree and 'Doing Good'

"Do Good" is a friendly competition Braintree does around the holidays to give back to the city of Chicago. This year, we split up into four teams and each team was given a small budget and 3 hours of work time to do as much good as we could. At our holiday party, we shared our experiences.

There were some surprisingly creative ideas among our teams. One team donated blood because donations go down during the winter months; another team salted iced-over sidewalks around the neighborhood; another team helped families of children with special needs (unsung heroes) attend a special night out.

The winning team (because we love friendly competitions at Braintree) purchased and wrapped presents for homeless teenagers in the Chicago area through an organization called Teen Living. Below is a short video:

Braintree "Do Good" Project.

We know we're a small company, but we also know that being a part of our community is important. You're never too small to make a difference. What does your company do to celebrate the holidays?