#BrainSHE: Celebrating International Women's Day Everyday

A new day. A new week.

Remember when we posted about how an after-work event bloomed into much, much more?  Well, since that event, we’ve started deploying a bi-weekly newsletter to the folks here at Braintree called BTW (Braintree Women), used our blog to profile Jen (one of our product managers), networked with folks far and wide and now, on the heels of International Women’s Day, we are proud to announce an exciting event. On April 5th, Braintree will host the launch of Women 2.0 Founders Friday in Chicago!

Be sure to reserve a spot, there’s already a lot of buzz and limited capacity.

So....Friday was International Women’s Day, and how did we celebrate?

We took a moment to thank our women mentors. Be it moms, bosses, sisters or neighbors, gratitude is a Braintree value and also a value that works for just about any occasion.

Some of us took a moment to teach a child about a woman who has made a difference in the lives of others. Be it a public figure or someone who is of more personal notoriety, we know that celebrating victories is a big part of progressing the cause and increasing awareness.

We broke open an Allagash White, Lammin Sahti, or one of these other beers listed. They’re brewed by women!

We considered, briefly, a move to the Ukraine -- they had the day off on Friday!

And those of us who haven't yet, reserved our spots for Founder Friday on April 5th!

We’re celebrating all of the amazing things women have done and look forward to helping women usher in the next era of awesome.