And Now for Some Payments Basics: A Video Series

Starting a business can bring on a roller coaster of emotions. Facing a new challenge every day, you’re forced to very quickly become a jack-of-all-trades. But it’s also incredibly rewarding and exciting to grow a seed of passion into a fully-functioning business. And now it’s time to figure out how to get paid.

When you begin researching how to actually sell your goods in your app or on your website, you’re likely to come across phrases like PCI compliance, secure tokenization, merchant accounts, payment gateways, etc. Really, more acronyms than you can shake a stick at. It’s at this point you may think “This is all too much for me” and move on to some element of your business that might be a little more…well...interesting.

Here’s the thing, because of the nature of our own business, we know a whole lot about payments. We’re actually passionate about payments. Ok, we’re payments nerds. But we also know that’s not the norm; we love to learn and talk at great length about topics that would probably prove sleep aids for you. This is a problem for you when you realize that you REALLY need to know this stuff.

And so we’ve decided to start sharing our own knowledge in interesting, digestible, retainable ways. No nonsense, no upsell, just solid information on what you might need to know when selecting a payments provider.

We’ve started by creating a series of educational videos to get you up to speed on the basics in mobile and global commerce, so that when it comes time for you to make some decisions about how you'll accept payments for your next great idea, you hold all the knowledge.

Check out the first two here, and then stop back later because we’ll be coming out with a lot more content in the coming weeks and months.